Monday, December 29, 2008

I am a bad, bad person

So, I have no excuse for not posting in ages, because a lot of stuff has been happening.

First, my cousin Lee came to visit. I haven't seen him in almost a decade, and now he's married with a baby on the way--the last time I saw him, he was a teenager and I was, like, seven. It was totally weird. But anyway, he's hilarious. The whole family watched The Village--it was his first time seeing it and he talked through the whole thing, so he got all confused (it's one of those movies you have to watch carefully). He latched onto the first twist and just started making wild theories about old people the whole time. We haven't let him live it down.

And then, omg, CHRISTMAS! It was epic! My sisters and I have this tradition where we all sleep in my room on Christmas Eve, and, more importantly, we steal some kind of kitchen appliance (weird as that sounds). Last year we stole the toaster and made toast on Christmas morning, but this year we decided to step it up a notch. We initiated Operation Hungry Squirrel (as named by my sister Danielle), in which, over the course of three days, we stole everything we needed to make homemade waffles and hot chocolate on Christmas morning. Seriously.

We even fed my mom a fake story about stealing the tea kettle, so she wouldn't know what we were up to. Then we stole an ancient coffee maker and used it to boil water for the hot chocolate. We stole a waffle baker. We stole all the ingredients. We even took mugs and real plates (we were going to use paper plates, but then we figured that if we were going to do this, we had better do it RIGHT). For some reason I got put in charge of most of the thievery, and the only thing I didn't steal was the waffle baker, which my little sister Kelsey smuggled upstairs in a pillow. We even stole a lunchbox full of ice and stuck a water bottle full of milk in it for the hot chocolate.

So at 2:00 on Christmas morning we made waffles and hot chocolate on my bedroom floor. We had stolen some bananas to go with it, and some candy canes and a bar of chocolate. My parents think we're crazy, but it was epic.

And then for Christmas I got a grand total of fifty six books--so many that I got a bookshelf as one of my other presents. Now I have like my own personal library in my room (I already had a lot of books to start with)--with two full bookshelves. I had to rearrange the furniture to fit everything in. And I got a camera, which I'll be using for the MAD podcast's up-and-coming vlogs (starting January 5th), and a new headset (which actually works) for recording. Oh, and in another podcast reference, I got the Prince Caspian movie (our first episode was about Prince Caspian).

Annnd we got a Wii. Omg, we got a Wii.

Hooooly crap that thing is fun. I can't tell you how long I've played the James Bond game. It is fantastic.

And Wii baseball is suprisingly fun. I went on the Mii creator thing and created, like, the coolest baseball team ever. I'm there, of course (my Mii looks disturbingly like me--it's freaky), but then I made the coolest dream team ever. I've got Harry Potter, Cher, Ghengis Khan, Oprah, Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin and (my personal favorite) Mick Jagger. It is absolutely bizarre how spot on the Mick Jagger Mii is.

So anyway I played Wii baseball for hours, and I have no muscle tone whatsoever in my arms, so I am in horrifying pain right now, which kind of sucks. However, I have like a bajillion books to read, so that makes things a LOT better. I actually just put down "Harry, A History" by Melissa Anelli (which is really, really good by the way). And I already finished "Intensity" be Dean Koontz (oh Dean Koontz, why art thou so made of win?) and "Legwork" by Katy Munger (a well written mystery, but I guessed the ending waaay early).

Problem is, I have so many books I want to read, but I'm trying to make myself wait until the New Year to read some of them, so that I can count them for the Book Challenge. But with the entire collected works of John Green sitting there on my bookshelf, and a new Terry Pratchett book, and Anonymous Rex by Eric Garcia, which is about a crime-fighting velociraptor (not even kidding), it's REALLY FREAKING HARD.

Gaaaah. Must wait. Must wait.

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