Sunday, March 15, 2009

The man-whore is back

So remember how I wrote that essay a while back about Hedda Gabler? The one where I couldn't think of another word for "philanderer" and was seriously considering writing "man-whore"?

Yeah, that essay's back.

So for English class we have to do this literary criticism paper, and rather than writing a whole new essay just so we can insert litcrit, my teacher's letting us revise an old paper. And I was like... um, I don't remember any essays I've written. Like, all year. They were not exactly memorable pieces of work.

But I do remember the whole man-whore thing, even though I didn't really remember the rest of the essay. So I picked that one on a whim and I have spent the last HOUR sticking bits of literary criticism in and trying to smooth it all out so that they don't look tacked on (which they are). And yes, an hour is nothing when it comes to essay writing, but this is boring as poo. And I really want to just stop and go read some more of Corrupting Dr. Nice, and I can't, because this is due tomorrow and I WANT TO KILL HEDDA GABLER EXCEPT I CAN'T BECAUSE a) SHE'S FICTIONAL AND b) SHE ALREADY COMMITTED SUICIDE.

And I still can't think of another term for philanderer. 'Womanizer' is the best I've got, but now I've got the Britney Spears song stuck in my head, and that is not helping my mood.

Find a happy place.

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