Saturday, April 18, 2009

Hmm. I seem to be made of fail.

Number of days left in April: 13

Number of words left in NaNoWriAp: 37,589

Number of AP Tests in less than one month: 5

Well, don't I just fail?

And now for the failure cherry on the top of our sundae of suck: so, last night I was going to get my little sister, and I was running barefoot across the lawn. It was really dark, and I smashed through what I think was probably this huge pile of sticks we have in our yard.

And it hurt.

Anyway I got back inside and my foot was bleeding like craaazy and it appears that I have managed to stab multiple holes in the bottom of my left foot. I can't walk on it, which means that I couldn't go to the mall today to get my shoes for prom... which is next Saturday. Joy.

On a happier note, I'm 17 now! Wooooo! It was my birthday on the 10th. For some reason I didn't blog. I also didn't blog the next Sunday (Easter! yay!), although I intended to because I wanted to upload the pictures of the awesome Star Wars Easter eggs that I made (I had this whole awesome Darth Vader/Yoda egg fight). I'd put those up now, except I can't find the cord for my camera. Coming Soon?

Oh yeah and I got a Twitter.

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