Wednesday, October 1, 2008


My mom came home today!

She's been in Scotland the past couple of weeks and it's been mayhem without her. Seriously, nothing has been getting done. Danielle broke the dryer somehow so we haven't done laundry in ages, and I don't know how many days I've forgotten to feed the fish. And we don't have food. We've been living off cereal, pasta salad and cookies for two weeks now. Once I ate three bananas for dinner. I'm really glad Mom's home.

Anyway the fantasticality (definitely a word) doesn't end there. She brought stuff back! I now own a ridiculously cute sweater, unfathomable amounts of Scottish candy (which is waaaaaay better than American candy, by the way) and three new books: the British version of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (so now I have all seven books in the American and British versions), the adult version of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, and - prepare yourself - TERRY PRATCHETT'S BRAND NEW BOOK, "NATION"!!!

I am so excited about this. Terry Pratchett is the freaking man. He's my favorite author and I have been Coveting (with a capital 'C') this book since it came out. I cannot wait to read it!!

-- Should probably explain - I'm half-Scottish. My mom met my dad when he was in the Navy and moved to America with him. She was in Scotland the past couple weeks for a wedding in the family and I am insanely jealous that I didn't get to go. I've been to Scotland loads of times but not very recently. It is easily the coolest place on Earth and I refuse to hear anyone say any different.


Anonymous said...

yay! :)

Sarah said...

duuuuuuuddddeeeeee, HP 7 british, I am soo jealous