Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Today is awesome for several reasons:

  1. It's Halloween! Candy! CANDY!
  2. It's Friday, which means Crusoe is on tv! Pirates!
  3. We've got a four day weekend! No school!

I am SO EXCITED about Nanowrimo it's not even funny. This is my... sixth? Fifth or sixth year doing Nanowrimo, and I'm totally and completely obsessed. This year I'm writing a sort of James Bond/Godfather parody called 73 Escapatoria, Or How Rob and Larry Saved the World. It shall be epic.

Between handing candy out to trick-or-treaters, I'm preparing for nano. That means setting my homepage to, filling up the water cooler (yes, I have a mini-water cooler) in my room, making my word count calendar (with columns for Word Count Required, Word Count Desired (2000 a day), and the empty Word Count Achieved), sorting through all my outlines and planning, and setting up the word document for my Nano.

I've never tried to blog during November before, so I'm not sure how this is going to work. I'll try to update you as much as possible on where I am in the story and everything, but I'm generally so insane during nano month that I don't know if I'll have time. Well, I know I won't have time, but I might end up blogging when I'm trying to procrastinate...

If not, you can follow my progress on My username is eSCi. Go ahead and friend me, if you want!

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