Monday, September 8, 2008


Hooollllllly crap, it's hot outside.

So today in my AP Environmental Science class we were doing this lab - measuring turbidity in the creek outside my school. But because of the DROVES of mosquitos out right now (thank you, hurricane) we were advised to wear long sleeves/long pants.

So I'm standing in the middle of this creek, trying to balance on a couple of rocks because my feet are completely submerged in water at this point and I'd rather not be up to my knees in it. And I'm pouring buckets of water into a nepholometer and it's HOT outside.

I did get a bit wet, but the lab itself was okay. The problems came later, when I went back inside.

My high school has three buildings (East, West, and what's technically the North building, though we don't call it that... I will for the benefit of the blog). Again because of the hurricane, the air conditioner was out in the North Building.

Like I said, I was wearing long pants and a long sleeved shirt.

Holy crap it sucked.

We actually had Spanish class in the stairwell because the air conditioner was working in there. But it was still awful. And then we don't have an air conditioner on my bus, either... and my bus ride home is an hour and a half long. By the time I got home, I felt sick from the heat.


1 comment:

Marshall said...

oh god, it was AWFUL in spanish class...