Sunday, September 7, 2008

Super big, value-size post

Soooo, I have loooots of stuff to talk about and none of it really relates, so I'm going to pull a Deborah and just talk about a bunch of stuff in segments.

First off, my parents and my older sister went to a concert last night, leaving me to babysit my little sister. Now, don't get me wrong, we fight all the time (in the inevitable manner of siblings), but in the end Kelsey's pretty cool, and whenever I have to babysit her we have waaay too much fun for our own good. We set up a picnic in her bedroom and had a Disney movie marathon. I should point out that - I don't care how old you are - it is healthy to have Disney movie marathons. In fact, it is necessary to remain sane while in your junior year at high school. Also, it doesn't count if it isn't a sing-along.

So anyway, Kelsey and I were watching "Quest for Camelot" (which, come to think of it, isn't actually a Disney movie - but you know what I mean, one of those animated musicals) and having Oreo-eating competitions (I am ashamed to say that Kelsey, despite only being nine, totally kicked my butt). She's a green belt and was teaching me how to karate chop the straw off a juice box... Which is ridiculously fun, by the way. And then we watched like eight Mickey Mouse cartoons. I'm not kidding, I actually love it when my parents leave me behind with Kelsey when they go out.

On a completely unrelated but equally awesome note, we recently bought some snails! We have two goldfish and we're lazy and we don't like cleaning the tank, so we just keep buying snails and letting them do it. Anyway, our goldfish are HUGE and we found out that they were eating the snails, which was why they kept dying off so quickly, so we went to PetSmart and bought these huge blue snails that they can't eat... Kelsey named her's Willie and I named mine Icky Steve III (Yes I have had two other snails named Icky Steve in the past.)

On a third and even MORE awesome note, guess what I knitted?

Super Funky Fingerless Gloves! (At any rate I think that's what Marshall called them, but I don't feel like going back to the original post to check).

That's right, they're the gloves that Marshall put the pattern up for on her blog (The Knit Gangsta, over on the sidebar). Well, they're sort of those gloves, only I'm super lazy and super cheap and so I modified them to make them... lazier and less awesome?

I didn't have the right needles, but I was like, SCREW THAT. So I just knitted with realllly thick yarn and took out like a bunch of rows, but I did something weird and ended up knitting them sort of upside down... But they turned out okay, I think. Also there was no way on EARTH I was going to stripe them - I hate weaving in ends - so I just picked a really colorful yarn and went for it. Also, I swear they look better in person than they do in that photo. And also my hands don't look that fat in real life, either.

As I was telling Marshall, I knit these specifically for Nanowrimo this November. There's something about fingerless gloves that sets... I don't know, an atmosphere. A writer-y atmosphere. And there's something about the cheapness and odd coffee-colored bits of that yarn that is very Nanowrimo-y. They're perfect!


Marshall said...

yay! I feel so special that people (well one person at least) knitted my pattern! And you're right, the gloves do seem very "nanowrimo-y".

Btw, i'm wearing my superfunky fingerless gloves now! I put them on to write an English essay that was giving me trouble, because of what you said about that guy that had to write wearing fingerless gloves. :)

Anonymous said...

" I'm going to pull a Deborah and just talk about a bunch of stuff in segments." :)
Love the gloves, by the way. And Disney movie marathons *rock*.