Monday, October 13, 2008

I'm eating strawberry ice cream

I don't even like strawberry ice cream*.

*Note: When I was trying to write the title for this post, I kept accidentally typing "I'm earing strawberry ice cream". Like three times in a row.

I'm extremely obsessive in my running habits--I physically can't stand to skip a day running; it makes me feel lazy and unhealthy and then it takes me forever to get back into the swing of things. The problem is that running has WEIRD effects on me. About half the time when I come home from running the thought of food makes me feel sick to the stomach, and the other half of the time I just get really weird cravings.

Today it was strawberry ice cream. Keeping in mind that the only ice cream flavors I like are mint chocolate chip and cookies n' cream. (I say that tentatively. I am willing to be introduced to new flavors. Leave me your recommendations).

So now I'm in this weird situation where I really don't like the stupid ice cream, but I also feel oddly compelled to keep eating.

Ugh, this sucks.


Anonymous said...

I *love* strawberry ice cream. It's excellent. Please tell me you at least like strawberry milkshakes, which somehow have a way of being better than the actual ice cream.

Marshall said...

omg, try cake batter flavor at cold stone creamery. Or even better, chocolate cake batter. But get the small size, because its physically impossible to eat any more than that.

oh, and go to the one at white oak shopping center, because Jay from the Towne Players works there, and if you leave a tip, they have to sing for you. :)

Sarah said...

ewwwww strawberry icecream groooossss

haha i agree with marshall on the cake batter

blue raspberry sorbet from baskin robins is my love...i havent had it in like 10 years but i am totally going on my 17th bday to get some (haha yes i am THAT excited)
anyway you should try it because nothing beats it, NOTHING

*sigh, yeah sorry i completely disregarded spelling and grammar (more than normal) but im writting an english paper currently so i stoped caring (haha) and im apologizing cause i know it makes you cringe like when i hear "y'all" (damn, north carolina)

Sarah said...

hmm well SOME of that grammar even bugged me...let me correct that last statement (damn north carolina)