Monday, September 22, 2008

Fall! Fall! Fall!

Yeesssss it's the first day of fall!

I am ridiculously excited about this! Autumn is easily my favorite season - it's so... I don't know. Awesome. I love everything about it. The weather is great - cool but not COLD - there's just a general ATMOSPHERE about it that's frankly awesome. A sort of hot-chocolatedyness. You know?

I love the sort of Halloween, Thanksgiving holidays the best, too. I don't even go trick-or-treating anymore and I still love Halloween to death. Marshall's birthday is around Halloween and she's having a costume party again this year, (YES! My one and only chance to dress up!) and I'm going as Wasp Woman. OH YEAH. She's thinking about not having it be a costume party now, (the dates were changed and now it's a couple weeks before Halloween) but I don't care, I'm going as Wasp Woman either way. (Nerd power!)

...And I mean, come on, what self-respecting American can't love freaking TURKEY DAY?

I can't wait for the leaves to start falling! I'm obsessive when it comes to stepping on them. Once Autumn starts it takes me forever to cross parking lots.

There's something incredibly satisfying about that crunching sound. Yay Fall!


Anonymous said...

Happy Fall!
And that sounds like I was wishing you a happy Fall; I was actually decribing the happiness that Fall brings. Just FYI.

Sarah said...

Umm I don't like turkey day :)but i guess i'm just not a self respecting american :P