Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Not my best idea

In my last post I talked about how, during NaNoWriMo, I tend to write a lot of crazy and hillarious sentences. This is fine, since NaNo is about quantity over quality - and I'm writing so fast that it makes sense that my work should be a bit shoddy. But ever since that post, I've impulsively started trying to outdo myself.

Have you ever heard of that online competition to write the worst opening line for a novel ever? I think I could win it.

Here is the last sentence I wrote: [The context of this sentence is that my two MCs, Rob and Larry, are swinging, Tarzan-like, on some chandeliers in order to escape some Italian mobsters]

Then disaster struck; Rob and Larry grabbed the same chandelier by accident, and their combined weight was far too much for the fragile chandelier to handle (by an even greater misfortune, the chandelier in question happened to be one of those rather spindly silver ones which are meant for nothing other than ornament, certainly not for adventurous swinging-upon in flight from the Mafia, and which are in fact not even very good at normal chandelier functions, such as lighting things up).

Is it obvious now how I get my word count?

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