Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Staci's musical evolution (while nanoing)

It used to be that I needed COMPLETE AND UTTER SILENCE in order to write. Then, after a while, I progressed to the point where I could listen to instrumental music - no lyrics whatsoever, as I'm easily distracted while writing.

Then, for whatever reason, I suddenly gained the ability to listen to U2 while writing. Only U2, mind you - otherwise it still had to be instrumental. For some reason, however, Bono's voice and no other was conducive to writing.

In stage four of my musical evolution I was able to listen to both U2 and a wizard rock band called Ministry of Magic, which is a sort of electronica band about Harry Potter (and exactly as amazing as that sounds). I'm not sure why this happened; I am aware that it is incredibly random.

Recently I've been finding that my Noveling Soundtrack has been expanding (naturally, in ways just as weird and random as before). Depending on my mood and the scene that I'm writing, I can now listen to Queen, Emiliana Torrini and Frank Sinatra. Even I am a little weirded out by this, but I swear it's true - I cannot concentrate when listening to music by anyone other than those five artists, unless it doesn't have lyrics. I also go through phases where I literally HAVE to have U2 playing in order to write. Bono's voice has some kind of weird magical power which endows me with creativity.

And finally, just to cap off the randomness, just today I discovered the band Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - I was looking through the NaNo forum about noveling soundtracks and someone mentioned them. I headed over to Project Playlist and I've been listening to them for an hour now. I think they may have been added to my list of Novel-Conducive Music.

...I find this very strange. But hey, what works, works.

*And by the way, the word count is still through the roof. I am an amazing amazing Nanoer. Bow down to me and my fantabulousness. For those of you who are behind or just on schedule, I suggest listening to Bono.

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