Saturday, November 15, 2008

Because I WIN!


A few moments ago, I wrote the final words of "Seventy Three Escapatoria: Or, How Rob and Larry Saved the World". At 50,948 words, my NaNoWriMo is complete. The song "Wheel in the Sky" by Journey was playing on my iTunes playlist when I finished. It is done.

I am currently eating a celebratory cupcake and trying to happy dance and type at the same time. This is my... fifth novel? Something like that. At only 50,948 words and 245 pages it's my shortest one, but what can I say? I didn't rush this one, nor did I try to stretch it out. It just naturally finished at right around the 50,000 word mark.

I WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


And here's the thing - it's only November 15th! I finished my NaNoWriMo in exactly half the time that I needed to. And it wasn't a rush at all - I barely ever wrote more than a hundred words on any given week day, and I didn't even get a chance to write every weekend. Technically, I've written this whole thing in only a couple of days.

And that's why I've decided that I am officially going to write another one. Yup, starting tomorrow NaNoWriMo numero dos is going to be in the works. I've had an idea this was going to happen ever since the beginning - NaNoWriMo has been getting easier and easier for me, and I was pretty sure that this year it wasn't going to be much of a challenge. Hence, Novel Due.

If I manage to finish a second 50,000 word novel, it will be the most awesome thing EVER. (I mean, besides the stuff that the Supernatural Word Count Robots with 400,000+ are doing). I am suuuuper excited!

Onward! Here comes NaNo number two!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


(that looks *really* dinky. So imagine it in REALLY big light-up letters on a gigantic billboard with confetti and music. And celebratory cupcakes.)