Saturday, November 8, 2008

The non-Nanowrimo post

Generally speaking, I'm very hard to shop for. Birthdays, Christmas, whatever the situation--I can never think of anything I want. That is to say, I can never think of anything I want besides books.

Today my dad took me to the bookstore and essentially unleashed me upon Barnes & Noble with the mission to "get whatever I wanted for Christmas."

Oh - my - gosh. Love.

I loved Paper Towns so unfathomably much that I got everything else John Green wrote--Looking for Alaska, An Abundance of Katherines, and Let It Snow ("co-written" I guess is the word by Maureen Johnson and Lauren Myracle--it's three short stories, one by each of them). I also bought Jingo by Terry Pratchett--I haven't read that one, and Terry Pratchett is a genius, so no risks I won't like it. That makes my grand total of Terry Pratchett books on my bookshelf add up to eleven, but for some odd reason I don't have my favorite one, The Truth, so I got that one as well.

Five - freaking - books. Four of them I haven't read. I own them. I have held them in my hands. And I can't read them until Christmas.

Actually, for reasons I won't disclose here (but which I will divulge in about another month or so) I can't really start reading them until New Year's. The point remains--I am in agony. I need to read those books. I as good as own the entire collected works of John Green (and most of that of Terry Pratchett) and I cannot read them.

Oh, cruel, cruel world.



Sarah said...

hahahaha, that's my life, all i want is books

(although i like the other cover to Paper Towns more)

yay xmas! hopefully i'll get some books
(oh and you asked me what i want for my bday right? you can never ever ever go wrong with books, my very own copy of paper towns or another one of his books...because i am now obssesseddeededed, he is just brilliant)

Sarah said...

sad i spelled green wrong, sorry