Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Oh, fail

So I'm about 15,000 words into my second NaNoWriMo - ahead of schedule and almost homicidal with stress. (I cruised right through suicidal and am looking for more). But yesterday I made a discovery that kind of eased the stress.

See, my second nano is being written on a seperate word document, because it would take forever to open the document if I put both nanos on the same one, and because I don't believe in putting all your eggs in one basket (I have an amazing ability to lose word documents). This is fine, except when I have to find out my total wordcount in order to update my account on Then I have to add the word counts of both nanos.

So yesterday I had 12,008 words of my second nano written, plus the roughly 51000 of my first nano. That should come out to around 63000, right? Well, I was using the little calculator from the accessories folder on the computer, and I must have clicked a wrong button, because somehow I ended up calculating my word count as 69,992 as opposed to the (correct) value of 62,992.

So, essentially, I've been walking around since then under the rosy impression that I had SEVEN THOUSAND MORE WORDS than I had in actuality.


This means that even after writing today's required 4,000 words, I still won't have the word count that I thought I had yesterday. How freaking uncool is that? I don't want to update my word count on, either, until I pass 69,992, because if I update it now with today's wordcount, it'll look like I wrote negative 1000 words today.

*Sigh*. On top of that, I'm working on an enviro lab, and apparently every single teacher I have decided this is the *perfect* week to give tests.



Marshall said...

Oh my gosh, that sucks!!!!

Anonymous said...


Although there is something mildly hilarious about the appearance of you writing negative 1000 words.